Giving to creating a warm welcome

We care about a warm welcome.


So, after much investigation, conversation and preparation we are installing a fully electric, clean green heating system for the church building. 

It will keep all who come to the church for anything from baby group, to the night shelter, for a ballet class, or a worship service, warm without using fossil fuels. And it should last for the next 30 years.


So we will be warming the people without warming the planet, for a generation.


The system is called Church Ecomiser. We would love it if you would give towards the installation of Church Ecomiser to keep all who live, work, learn, and play in the church warmly welcomed this winter, and well beyond. 


To give you an idea of the costs, we have prepared an installation menu.


23 Radiators @ £1250 each 

3 Distribution boards @ £750 each 

3 Controls @ £500 each 

100 metres of cables  @ £20/m 

50 metres of trunking @ £5/m


We hope this menu helps you to imagine how your donation will be used. 


You can donate by visiting the Parish Giving Scheme website and they will add GiftAid automatically to your donation, if you are eligible. Donations can be anonymous if you prefer that way.


We hope that you will consider this donation carefully and talk it over with a trusted person outside the community, perhaps. If you have any detail or process questions please email them to: 


If you are able to make a donation please would you consider doing it within the month of October? Although the appeal will be open longer a donation this month would be especially encouraging.