Keep well, keep in contact, keep the faith.

Keep well, keep in contact, keep the faith.

Keep well, keep in contact, keep the faith.

# News

Keep well, keep in contact, keep the faith.

This is a season of disappointment. The sense of calm before the storm, or waiting for the tsunami has become the flat grimness of cancellation, interruption, and long, uncertain postponement. It feels like Lent with no prospect of Easter.

In this season, thank you to all of you who have signed up to help support our elderly day centre members. Thank you to all of you who have brought food and other supplies that we have asked for. Please keep this up. Check the list and opening times on the website.

We have tried to get prayer cards to every primary school child in the parish this week. We ran out, but we have more in church now and they will be available for people to help themselves to when the church is open. 

We are also trying to flyer every home in the the parish so people know how to make contact with us if they are in need, or if they can offer help. Those cards are also available if you would like to take any for neighbours.

I have put a blackboard and chalk up outside the Day Centre entrance of the church for people to write up needs or prayer requests. Please look at it and add to it when you pass, and please pray.

When you hear the church bell, you will know that there are people in church praying for this community. Why don't you join in and pray the Lord's prayer whenever you hear the bell?

On Sunday those who can are welcome to pray on the common or around the parish, whilst keeping to physical distancing guidelines. 

Please join in a national day of prayer on Sunday, and light a candle in your house at 7pm, if possible and safe put it in a window to allow the light to shine outside. This is an act of faith and a visible symbol of the Light of Life, Jesus Christ.

The church will be open for supply box donations from 9-12 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. During those hours you may also take a moment, pray, light a candle and know you are in a 'thin space', prayed in through wars, the blitz and depressions.

Our website is being kept up to date so please look on the COVID-19 Planning area for information and resources.  

This is a time when fear can overwhelm. Or, if we choose to feed it, faith will grow. 

Look at these verses from Psalm 62

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, 

for my hope is in him. 

He alone is my rock and my salvation, 

my fortress where I will not be shaken. 

My victory and honour come from God alone. 

He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. 

O my people, trust in him at all times. 

Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.

I know the pain, the disappointment and the fear is very real. But let's keep well by following all the advice. Keep in touch with your elderly relatives, your neighbours, your friends, your family, your own heart by all the means you can. And keep the faith by reading scripture daily, lighting a candle, praying the Lord's prayer and limiting your consumption of news bulletins and social media updates.

God is good, God's love never fails, and this is a wonderful community in good times, and bad.

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  St Michael's Wandsworth Common

Church Address: St Michael's Wandsworth Common, Cobham Close, London, SW11 6SP


Office Tel: 020 7924 3450

Registered Charity Number: 1185687